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This was wonderful! I love the little goblin animations. The puzzles make you think but don't feel impossible. You packed in so much in only one week. Looking forward to checking out the update!

Thank you Soren, I'm thrilled to read that about the puzzles!


The art and puzzles are IMMACULATE! Incredibly well done!! Had a blast checking this one out <3

Thank you Fletch, your reactions were priceless! I'm floored by the responses!


undo button would do wonders for this game otherwise awesome

Agreed, and I tried to get it in, but ran into a bug wall and decided to hold off until an update. Thank you very much for playing and leaving feedback! Undo is coming in the very near future!


This was a very good game. Well designed and art though simplistic is clean and effective and music are great. I played for quite awhile couldn't escape the dungeon unfortunately made it pretty far though.

Would be great with story and dialogue as already a pretty fun and challenging game.

Great job!

Thanks again, I hope you come back to bust these boys out after I release an updated version!


The challenges are very well thought out, amazing!

Thank you, Davi! These goblins will be back with more challenges for you to conquer soon!


Really nice mechanics and design.

 Seems difficult at first, but it becomes smoother when we get used to it.


That’s so great to read, thank you for playing and leaving feedback, much appreciated!


Glad to see you releasing games, Moon. This is awesome. I especially love the art, and the little music loop is ethereal too. Are you thinking about patching the missing elements later?

Loved this.


I know, it’s been waaaay too long! Thank you for the kind words. Missing elements are definitely planned to be added after voting, I should probably change the wording 😁 thanks for playing Comfie you rock!